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iPad Usage Agreement FCB Elementary School (Required)

iPad Usage Contract

Please Fill Out The iPad Usage Agreement FCB Elementary School (Required) Below
The I pad is made available for authorized use to students in the Fort Cobb-Broxton School and their parents. Students and parents are responsible for the safe operation and care of the I pad.
1. The I pad is for educational purposes.
2. The I pad will be operated by only the assigned student and parents/guardians. Students will not give their password to any other person.
3. The student and parents/guardians will return the I pad to school when a student is not currently on virtual/distance learning.
4. The student or parent/guardian must immediately report any mechanical problems with the I pad to the teacher. NO attempt should be made to repair the I pad.
5. The student and parents/guardians accept full responsibility for the return of the I pad in good condition.
a. If an I pad is stolen, school administration should be contacted and a report must be filed with the Caddo County Sheriff’s Department within 48 hours. A replacement I pad will be issued after school is provided with a copy of the police report.
b. Willful and/or malicious damage to the Ipad will result in a cancellation of privileges for the student to take their I pad home. Disciplinary action, and/or reimbursement for repairs and/or replacement cost of the I pad may also be taken.
c. I pads will come with an Otterbox defender case. This case should not be removed and the hard cover should be kept in place over screen when not in use. I pads with broken screens will be assessed a $50.00 repair fee.
6. School officials will monitor use of the I pad, including E-mail and Internet privileges.
7. I understand that the I pad will be updated, at which time any downloads that are not part of the school district educational apps will be removed.
The parent’s/guardian's signature will indicate acceptance of the terms of this contract and their agreement to abide by all the rules in the Fort Cobb-Broxton School District’s Acceptable Use Policy.




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